
The journey so far…

I recently received an email which said, “I’m interested in learning more about you and your journey to where you are today,” so I thought I’d describe how I went from studying visual arts to analyzing data at Wikimedia Foundation (WMF). Growing up I excelled in visual arts and mathematics at school, and they continued to be my strongest subjects. My parents and I immigrated to US from Russia when I was 10, and I spent the first few years focused on learning English – which was especially difficult because I was the only Russian-speaking person at my school.

Advice for graduates applying for data science jobs

2019-08-01 update Things were a little different when I wrote this in 2017. These days I constantly see new/junior data scientists get rejected because they don’t have the experience. Even those who have an impressive portfolio of projects to show off that they have the technical know-how get thumbs down. I firmly believe this is a failure of employers, not the new generation of recently graduated data scientists entering the field.