
Pivoting posteriors

In Stan, when a parameter is declared as an array, the samples/draws data frame will have columns that use the [i] notation to denote the i-th element of the array. For example, suppose we had a model with two parameters – λ1 and a λ2. Instead of declaring them individually – e.g. lambda1 and lambda2, respectively – we may declare them as a single lambda array of size 2:

parameters {
  real lambda[2];

When we sample from that model, we will end up with samples for lambda[1] and lambda[2]. We want to extract the i from [i] and the name of the parameter into separate columns, yielding a tidy dataset.

Replacing the knitr engine for Stan

2020-08-03 UPDATE: Good news! A version of this engine is now included in versions 0.1.1 and later of {CmdStanR}. Use cmdstanr::register_knitr_engine() at the top of the R Markdown document to register it as the engine for stan chunks. See the vignette R Markdown CmdStan Engine for examples. Shoutout to the maintainers Jonah Gabry & Rok Češnovar for a super positive code review experience with the pull request for this.

I originally dabbled with custom {knitr} engine creation last month, when I made {dotnet} which enables R Markdown users to write chunks with C# and F# programs in them.

Bayesian Optimization in R

A tutorial on using Bayesian optimization to find the minimum of a function with only a few evaluations of the functions, using different approaches to identify the best next value to evaluate the function at.